Tips To Help You Be Relaxed On Your Wedding Day

Your wedding day is one of the most amazing days of your life! It can also quite a stressful lead up, and a lot is running through your mind. It can be tricky to completely relax and enjoy the day. You want to soak up all the goods, and make sure everything goes well, and you say the right things in your speech, and your bags for your honeymoon have been put in the right car. It’s something you have never done before, and on top of that you’re the focal point of a bigger event than you’ve ever organised on your own. After seeing a lot of weddings and picking up on some patterns, I observed certain things which lead me to being really happy with how I felt on my wedding day (I was surprisingly relaxed). So here are the things that I noticed really help make it the best experience.

Have a set up dead-line

Our wedding was on a Saturday.. Something i’m really happy Anna and I did the week of our wedding is we decided that whatever is set up by the Thursday is completely done. That’s it. I have seen so many people personally setting up the ceremony the morning of, and they looked like their eyes were going to pop out of their heads. It would be very overloading. Those tasks can be delegated and you two can just do what only you can do earlier in the week. 

Talk to friends and relatives before the day

I didn’t have to do this one much, but I have seen the effects of not doing this. If you have a bit of a stress head in the fam, or a brides maid who has the potential to be a little overbearing.. It is so worth having that difficult conversation before the day, explaining that you want the day to be (fill in the blank) - relaxed, fun. Maybe you would prefer for things to not go so perfect if at least it meant that everyone was present and enjoying themselves. The energy of the people around you on the day has a big impact, and I guess you just want to give yourself the best chance of the day having good vibes all round. People are people, and no one is perfect, so I guess communicating your wishes is just giving yourself a bit of self respect & care for the day.

Have a designated family-photo organiser

If I have seen one part of the day that can cause stress for the bride and groom, it’s family photo’s. People tend to move slower at weddings - they’re chatting, they may have the day off work, they’re chilling out and that’s good! It’s just a huge help to have someone who is good at rounding up the family in an efficient but friendly way to may sure all the photo’s get done asap. The photographer doesn’t know the names and faces of all your relatives, and you and your photographer both want as much time on the photo shoot as possible.

Plan but don’t rehearse

Planning, structuring and organising the day before hand is important to having a stress free day, however I have to say, make sure you don’t micro-plan, or over-fantasise each moment in your head or it can really suck the joy out of it. What I mean is, for example, don’t plan the exact moment of the song you will walk down the isle to, and then look up and picture what your husbands face will look like. Something. Will. Go. Wrong. You can spend so much focus making sure you walk in at the right time, even though the flower girl walked really slow and it’s all out of whack, that you are now focusing on the song, rather than the amazing moment right in front of you. Those meticulously planned moments so rarely work out, and even if they do - you’ve already expected it, so there’s not a lot of magic. Let the day roll out, be surprised at the unexpected moments, enjoy everything for what it is. Protect your own mind from robbing you of beautiful, breath-taking moments by living them in your head before the actual day.

You don’t have to rush to your honeymoon

My wife & I are so happy we did this one! After the wedding, we basically hung out in our comfortable hotel room for 2 days. We had the biggest sleep ins, ate whatever we wanted, went for swims, watched movies, and we were doing something else that I can’t seem to recall… Just having those two nights was the best! Our wedding was on the Saturday, and we trotted off to our honeymoon on the Monday. We appreciated that Sunday to have absolutely no structure. If you have already booked this in and you leave the following day for example, don’t worry; maybe get to the airport a little early, have some nice food, maybe go for a shop, have an alcoholic beverage and enjoy having no to-do list.

So there you have it! These tips worked really well for us. It seems counter-intuitive but everything seems to turn out so much better, even practically, for the couple who keep the main thing the main thing. Unfortunately, stressing out can ruin it for yourself before anything has even had a chance to go well. I’d suggest with these few things in mind, have a read through & decide what you think you & your partner can do to stress-proof your wedding day. Every person & every wedding is different, but we all just want to have an amazing time!


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